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Zuwachs im Lab

We're thrilled to welcome two new co-workers to our Lab in 2019!

Project Type

Alexandra Kapp will be providing additional support to our open data work via the ODIS project. She brings to the table a degree in information technology, plenty of user research experience, and even an additional certification in Design Thinking methodologies – in short, we’re excited to see what kinds of fresh ideas she can bring into digitizing government in Berlin. When she’s not blazing new trails into the depths of Berlin’s tangled data infrastructure, Alex can be found volunteering with CorrelAid and occasionally baking delicious chocolate cakes for her teammates (more please!). Her main focus with ODIS will be on Berlin’s geospatial data, specifically the introduction of more data standards as well as more cooperation among Berlin’s boroughs.

Also joining us is Fabian Morón Zirfas, who will be supporting our development team as a creative technologist. Prior to joining the Lab, Fabian was working with a digital agency here in Berlin, although others may recognize him from his work heading the Interface Workshop at the Potsdam University of Applied Sciences. He’s also quite the all-rounder: from generative design to physical computing to server administration and web development – basically, we’re still trying to figure out if there is anything Fabian can’t do (for the record: he can even do kung fu!). We’ll keep you posted. Fabian is primarily responsible for the further development of our Flusshygiene project, which focuses on measuring and predicting water quality of lakes and rivers. When he’s not doing that, we’re confident he’ll find time to automate anything that he has to do more than once.

Welcome to both of you!